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A customized, 90-day system for online creators who want to massively grow their email list, increase engagement, and master the power of email marketing

Trust me – I went from earning less than $30,000 a year at an exhausting full-time job…

…to a seven-figure business. In just 3 years.

(And it wasn’t because I’m any smarter, more experienced, or harder working than you!)

I was able to grow my business so quickly because I learned a system to grow my email list…

…build a relationship with my subscribers…

…and make sales through email marketing.

Just imagine…
Finally hitting the coveted “1,000 subscribers” benchmark and feeling confident launching your first product.
No longer feeling like you’re creating content that disappears into thin air…because now you have a list of subscribers who eat up your blog posts and buy your products.
No more struggling with social media algorithms – and instead being able to pop into your audience’s inbox whenever you want to.
Getting heartfelt responses to the emails you write from people who are obsessed with what you create in the world.
Seeing notifications on your phone for new sales that came in from an email you sent to your list.

How the email-to-income formula works:
The industry average is that 1-3% of your subscribers will buy your product or service.
(Just to keep the math easy, I’m using the average estimate of 2% in the equation above.)

Let’s say you have 1,000 people on your list, and your product costs $300.
1,000 x 2% = 20 buyers
20 buyers x $300 product = $6,000 in sales

Now, what if you have 5,000 subscribers and send an email about that same $300 product?
5,000 x 2% = 100 buyers
100 buyers x $300 product = $30,000 in sales

You can see how exciting this is, right?
Because the more you grow your email list, the more you grow your income, too! This is exactly what I’ve experienced in my own business, and what you can expect to happen in yours.

But here’s what you need to keep in mind: Not all email lists are created the same.
And to get results like the ones above (or even better!) you need to have a game plan in place to grow your list with the RIGHT people, engage with them in, and send emails that convert.

There is no one-size-fits-all way to grow your email list and master email marketing.
And if you try to grow your email list in a way that’s not aligned with your unique personality type, then you won’t be able to grow your email list as quickly as other people (or at all!).

Ever see those people whose businesses seem to take off over night? THIS is what they know that most people don’t: that the more you lead with your authentic personality (instead of trying to create a business just like everyone else), the more people will resonate with you…causing your business to thrive.

That’s why Email List Academy is different from every other email marketing course out there…

You’ll start the course by taking my proprietary List-Building Personality Type Quiz to discover the unique way that YOU should grow your email list, based on your natural personality and strengths.

Then, throughout the course, you’ll get special step-by-step videos and worksheets specifically for your List-Building Personality Type to show you how to grow your email list in a way that is FUN, effortless, and utilizes your natural skills (instead of forcing you to use strategies that don’t resonate with you).

Email List Academy is a totally customized experience, just for you!
Growing and engaging with your email list works SO much better when you’re using a customized game plan that fits YOU instead of trying to copy strategies that may have worked for someone else, but wouldn’t be the best fit for your personality or skills.

Your list-building strategies should be just as unique as you are.

🔓 Ready to take your experience to the next level? Unlock the full potential of our platform by registering for FREE.
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