Wordpress Plugins

Free Download MainWP: Links Manager 2.1 WordPress Plugin From [Leak.FM ]

Manage Links Across Your Network The Links Manager is an extension built for the purpose of allowing you to easily control both external and internal links from within your posts and pages. Is there a keyword that you want to link across your network? Just add it to your keyword list and select the sites you want that link to be on. The Automatic Internal Linking feature allows cross-linking of posts based on the page title (Automatic Internal Linking is on a per-site basis and not network wide) The created links can be stylized with custom CSS and cloaked so the linking page appears to be on the same site, while it creates a redirect to a new site. Support for link redirection/link cloaking The MainWP Links Manager extension enables you to use easy re-directions or cloak your links. You can specify a base permalink for redirection (default /goto/) and define the link for your keywords. All Links are served and processed from your Child site so your Dashboard is not exposed. Benefits Easily Create, Edit and Remove Links across your network Track click statistics for each of your links Easier Affiliate marketing – create affiliate marketing links with advanced options like link cloaking Link Grouping for easy management Automatically Interlink Your Blog Content The MainWP Links Manager extension determines your keyword’s matching post names, page names or a custom list of keywords throughout your blog and auto links them to the related content. (Automatic Internal Linking is on a per-site basis and not network wide) Improve Search Engine Ranking The MainWP Links Manager automagically interlinks your original content to key pages a user (or crawler bot) might not find which may improve search engine rankings (using relevant anchor text as your links). Link Style Customization Apply custom CSS classes and style the content any way you like. Detailed Graphs and Reports Track your clicks with our custom stats, charts are also included for any client reports.


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