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Write Yourself Rich With The Most Powerfully Persuasive Language Patterns Ever Created

Long before the invention of modern science, some believed it possible to turn sand into gold.

This ancient science of alchemy was believed by Isaac Newton himself.

The idea of turning getting something from nothing was too powerful to resist.

Modern Alchemy

Yet today, this is possible.

It is possible to create something out of nothing.

We aren’t talking about breaking the laws of physics.

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed.

But if you can write persuasively, you can turn words into money.

Most Powerful Patterns

Once upon a time there was a hypnotist.

He was also a physician.

People would come to see him for non-medical problems.

Problems he and they hoped could be solved with hypnosis.

They both tried, and it worked.

Most of the time.

But there was a problem.

Old School Hypnosis Too Slow

This hypnotist decided that using old school techniques of swinging watches and counting down from ten was too slow.

He didn’t have time.

He figured if he could heal them quicker, he could heal more people in the same span of time.

Enter The Milton Model

This physician-hypnotist was Dr. Milton Erickson.

One of the super-geniuses of history.

He invented, from scratch, a completely new type of hypnosis.

A type of hypnosis so powerful nobody knew he was using it.

Problem Vanishing Pattern

People would come in to see him.

They’d tell him their problem.

Dr. Erickson would say, “Hmm, that reminds me of a story,” and start talking.

An hour or so later, their problem was gone.


And they had no idea what had just happened.

Because that hour had vanished along with their problems.

Undetectable Language Patterns

This collection of powerful language patterns is also called covert hypnosis, meaning nobody knows it’s being used except the person using it.

Lucky for us, a couple of scientists came along and reverse engineered all these patterns.

Linguistic Presuppositions

One of these sets of patterns (within the Milton Model) is these goofy things called linguistic presuppositions.

They allow you to hide ideas inside sentences.

Ideas people won’t remember reading, but will end up thinking.

And they’ll be think of them as if they are their ideas.

Perfect For Copywriting

Turns out these patterns are powerful for use in sales letters.

You can hide all kinds of ideas about your product within the sales letter.

Ideas like your product is ultra popular.

Or you product has massive authority behind it.

Or massive scarcity.

Or anything else you can think of.

Build In All The Triggers

Not only will you learn these powerful patterns, but the most important triggers to put into any sales letter.

Common ideas like authority, social proof and scarcity.

The three ideas that will make any product sell like hotcakes.

Why Newton Lost His Shirt

Sir Isaac Newton (that same guy who believed in alchemy) also lost his shirt investing.

Way back in those days was one of the first market bubbles.

Newton was a smart guy, so he got in early.

And he was even smarter when he got out.

But then some of his friends got in later.

And they were making cash.

Everybody Is Getting Rich!

No matter how smart you are, when everybody is getting rich, included your dumb neighbors, even if you ARE the inventor of calculus and gravity, you ARE human.

This is why and when Newton got back in and lost his shirt.

Even Sir Isaac Newton, one of the SMARTEST dudes who’s ever lived, couldn’t resist the most powerfully persuasive force in nature.

Fear Of Missing Out

If you think everybody is getting something good, you’ll want some.

If you think everybody is getting something good and it will soon be gone, you’ll want it even more.

The more you imagine that you are the ONLY one that got left behind, that will make you do ANYTHING to get this.

Strongest Buying Motivator On Earth

The fear of missing out, or FOMO, is the most powerful force in human nature.

No matter what you are selling, if you can convince people it is popular, (social proof) it is going to vanish soon (scarcity) and if they don’t hurry up they are going to miss out (FOMO) you can sell steaks to vegetarians.

Language Patterns And Ancient Motivators

This course will show you exactly how to wrap the most persuasive language patterns around the most powerful and ancient human triggers.

This will be very covert.

They’ll read your sales page (or email, or watch a video) and suddenly feel like they HAVE to get this.

That if they don’t get this, they will miss out.

Slippery Slope Technology

Inside is one of the most powerful ideas in nature.

One that physicists can’t quite wrap their minds around.

This simple idea that has helped human thought since the dawn of time.

This one linguistic pattern that you can use to slide them from the headline all the way to the buy button.

Pacing And Leading

Pacing and leading is a natural component to sales.

You’ll learn to do this with words.

So that everything they read will lead to the next line.

Every line they read will match what they are thinking.

By the time they get to the end of your sales letter, they’ll be nodding their head in agreement as if you are their best friend.

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