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Free Download Elna Cain – Write Your Way to Your First $1k [1.68 GB – Leak.FM]

Download Elna Cain - Write Your Way to Your First $1k

Write Your Way to 1k
Yes, you can become a well-paid writer…in just a few short weeks

You love to write. You want to write. Heck, people have told you that you should write.

And you’ve even heard about freelance writing.

But, there’s only one problem:

You don’t have a clue how to begin or if it’s possible to make a living as a writer.

Does this sound like you?

You think freelance writing means churning out bulk writing pieces for pennies.

You’re sure there isn’t a way to land a freelance writing job because there’s too much competition out there.

When you did attempt to find a freelance writing job, you had no idea how to pitch, what to write or how to “sell” yourself.

You feel like you’re spinning your wheels, wasting time reading everything under the sun and paralyzed to take action.

You’re failing miserably.

And to top it all off, you still have to go to your soul-crushing 9-5 job tomorrow.

There’s a better way to make a living from writing, and you don’t need experience or a degree

I was just like you.

I didn’t want to go back to a job that ripped me away from my twins. They were only babies at the time, and my mama bear instinct was in full gear. Plus, daycare costs for twins would have eaten up my paycheck.

I KNEW I had to stay home to raise my twins, but had no idea how I could do that and still contribute to our family’s finances. I made the decision to work from home.

But, where do I start? How can I replace my full-time income by working from home?

The answer: freelance writing for online businesses
“Elna Cain! I’m flabbergasted by how well your course works. I just got off the phone with a new client (cold email pitch) and am looking at 2-3 700 word posts a week at $150/each. I have 2 other clients at $100/2000-word weekly post and $100/1000-word weekly post. Looks like it will be my first $1k month! I started the course 8 weeks ago but took a 2 week holiday. So 6 weeks of full-on hustle!”
Crystal Jones, Write Life Change

In less than 6 months, I was able to fully replace my salary while still being able to take care of my twins during the day.

And I’m doing this part-time.

When I first started freelance writing, I made a ton of mistakes that cost me money and clients. I had no clue how to attract the RIGHT client, and I was frustrated with all the pitches I sent that didn’t land me any paid gigs.

I went from making barely enough to pay for a cup of coffee…

To making thousands of dollars per blog post (Yes! That’s $1200 for one blog post).

What changed?

I made a few tweaks and tried some new ideas. I knew I didn’t have time to constantly be seeking out new clients, so I made them come to me!

I developed a solid and successful strategy using the right tools, and everything changed. I couldn’t believe it!

From pennies to four figures and making a living from writing – without experience. Whoa!

You know what? This could easily be you.

What if you could….

Finally get paid for your writing. You don’t have to compete for jobs against hundreds of people and in the end, earn pennies for your hard work.

Learn the exact blueprint on setting up your freelance business and knowing the exact tools and strategies you need to attract clients, land clients and retain clients.

Know where to find high-paying clients. No more hustling ten hours a day and no more sending pitches that go straight to the trash and never see the light of day again.

Turn your passion for writing into a profitable and sustainable business. You’ll have the confidence, skills, and support you need to earn serious income as a freelance writer.

It’s possible because I’ve done it.

I built my freelance writing business part-time while staying home and taking care of my twins. I know it’s achievable.
“I did it!!! Not only did I make my first $1k…I made $2k! From one project! Elna, thank you!”
Amanda Guarniere, The Resume RX

Introducing Write Your Way to Your First $1k ™

A proven method to help new writers fast-track their way to success with freelance writing – no experience needed.

There are two ways to become a freelance writer

Do it alone. If you do it by yourself you’ll probably make a ton of mistakes – I did. Let me guess – you’ll probably waste time looking for jobs in the wrong places, stress over how to pitch and end up getting headaches over figuring out if you’re doing this right. After three months and no freelance writing job to show for it, you give up. Then you have a minor freak out.

Take a proven shortcut that sets you up for success. Write Your Way to Your First $1k is a step-by-step plan on becoming a profitable writer. You’ll get a framework to attract and find long-term clients.
“Cold pitching works! I cold pitched a client in the niche I want to start writing about and landed my first blog post for $150. A few months later I emailed to ask how the blog post went and if they felt it had any value. They wrote back and said they really liked the post and asked if I also write white papers. I said I wanted to get more experience since I hadn’t done white papers specifically, but had done reports. I quoted them $2500. They accepted and were so pleased with my work they paid me $3000. I’m doing one more assignment for them for $500 this month. That’s $3650 that came from one cold pitch email, a strong portfolio and willingness to go above and beyond. I can’t tell you what this all has meant to me, especially since I was just laid off last month. The funniest part is I remember when I wanted to sign up for WriteTo1k telling my husband, ‘If I can just make the money back I will be happy!’ Boy, did that course deliver! Thanks to Elna’s course, I felt much more prepared to pitch clients and deliver! Thank you Elna!”
“I’ve just completed your course WriteTo1k, and wanted to thank you for providing a program packed with such quality-rich, motivating material – it was the best money I’ve ever spent on training of any kind, hands-down! I initially purchased your course hoping to gain some insight into the freelance writing industry overall right now (it’s been a few years since I’ve done any kind of paid writing) as well as find some direction for myself…I’m so incredibly stoked that I not only got both of those things (plus oodles of invaluable knowledge that I probably wouldn’t have ever found) but also for the fact I’ve come away feeling so positive and motivated to get the ball rolling! I personally found the combination of the way you structured the course content (i.e. had quite a naturally progressive flow whilst being concise) with your personal ‘tone’ (in that it’s very conversational – and non-intimidating) made it easy to understand, and a pleasure to follow. So in short, I wanted you to know that you’ve created a really kick-ass course, and I’m so appreciative that you did! Thank you Elna!”

In less than 2 months I landed more high-paying clients, became their #1 go-to writer, made my first $1,000 and more

You’re stuck at a job you hate.

You want something more but can’t connect the dots.

And you’re beyond frustrated that what you’ve been trying isn’t producing results. It’s just not working. No job, no income and all you get in return are a lack of confidence and realization that this is it. Just keep going to your day job and put your passion for writing on the shelf.

Not this time.

Taking this course will save you time

Everything you need to set up a successful freelance writing business that attracts high-paying clients is at your fingertips.

No more reading a ton of blog posts, signing up to free eBooks and email courses trying to hack together a freelance writing business.

Want to know how to write a pitch that converts? My pitch archive has 12 pitches + the current high-converting pitch I use to land clients.

Want to know the best job boards to find clients? Write Your Way to Your First $1k lists over 27 profitable job boards.

Want to know all the ways to find clients?

I have an entire module on finding clients, plus a highly resourceful list of 95+ ways to find clients.

Yup, a handy cheatsheet just for you!

(Plus email swipe copy, ready to use templates, tracking sheets and more…. just sayin’).
“I want to thank Elna because as of today, I just made my first $1k from freelance writing. If it wasn’t for her, I would’ve still be stuck doing research and clueless as to how to start. Thanks so much!”
Ashley Mite

Taking this course will save you money


All you need is one course – ahem, this one – to learn how to set up your website and discover the tools and skills you need to land your first clients, and more.

Plus, this is your fast-track option with everything you need in one place. You don’t have to buy courses on pitching or courses on finding your niche or even courses on setting up a business.

Heck! I even teach you how to scale your business and diversify your income.

Taking this course will earn you more money in less time

Look, you’ve already wasted hours, days and months trying to become a freelance writer on your own.

The best way to learn a new skill is to learn it from someone who’s already done it.

That’s me.

I was your crash-test dummy,
your guinea pig

I made the mistakes, so you don’t have to. I honed my pitching techniques so you don’t have to spend hours crafting that perfect pitch.

I found out how to use social media, inbound strategies, job boards, cold pitching and more, to find high-paying clients.

And it’s all in Write Your Way to Your First $1k.

Have the freedom to choose the clients you want work with, pick the writing gigs that interest you the most and scale your business to make even more money in less time.

Join the students who have taken this course and have been published on Smart Blogger, Huffington Post, Time Warner,, The Write Life, Red Bull, CBR and more.
“I signed up and took your Writeto1k course, and finished it in 2 days. I was skeptical at first, but I figured I rather do it, than later think, ‘what if.’ I am an attorney by profession, and had to close my office and become a stay at home mom to raise my son. I have been struggling lately because not working was starting to take its toll on finances. Your course gave me the courage to try something new. Because of your course, I rebranded myself as a freelance attorney. I pitched my services, especially my writing skills in the law industry, and had an amazing response. I have made $1500 in 3 days. I am sure I will make much more by the end of the month, I am estimating close to $7000. Just wanted to say thank you again for offering such valuable insights. Even more, for making it possible for people like me to open to change.”
Mariam Tsaturyan

When you sign up to Write Your Way to Your First $1k here’s what you get:

Lifetime access with all updates for free (I recently revamped the course with all new info)
7 self-paced modules (encompassing 50+ lessons)
Video tech training on popular tools and best practices
Specific exercises within each lesson to help stay on the right track to making your first $1k
Ready-to-use templates, email swipe copy
EVERYTHING you need to know to build a writer platform that makes clients come to you (including my Kickstart Copywriting guide and Landing Clients on Social Media resource)
The exact method I used to make my first $1k
And much more

Module 1: Laying the Foundation

Discover what to expect as a freelance writer and understand the skills you need to start off on the right track.
Learn the costs to start freelance writing, how to find your profitable niche, what services to offer, creating goals and having that solopreneur mindset.

Module 2: Building Your Writer Platform

Learn the exact copy to increase your conversion rate (aka more gigs) on your writer website, create and optimize your social media profiles and start building a visual brand online.

Module 3: Building Your Portfolio

Learn how to create and display your portfolio for maximum visibility.
Find the key components to land a guest post, draft your author bio and format your blog posts to attract high-paying clients.

Module 4: Finding Writing Clients

Learn step-by-step how to find clients on job boards, social media, through cold pitching, locally, with boutique content marketing agencies and from unlikely ways.
Yes, I tell you all ways to land clients, and you’ll get your handy 95+ ways to land client cheatsheet too.

Module 5: Your Pitch

Learn the process to set your rate (so you can make a living out of this) and learn the skills and tools to pitch like a pro.
You will also get access to my pitch archive full of swipe copy and templates you can use.

Module 6: Your First $1k

Dive deep into online writing for small businesses.
You will get a breakdown of how to write a highly engaging, high-paying blog post for your clients.
You will also learn (with video enhanced training too) how to format your post, submit your post, source and optimize images, upload posts to WordPress, create zip files, my 5-step editing process and how to annotate your images.

Module 7: Your Freelance Business

Discover the elements of a successful freelance business.
Learn how to have a great interview, tips to invoice your clients (so you always get paid), draft your service agreement, how to effectively communicate to clients, the tools to run your business and how to secure recurring work.

But wait, there’s more…
“I bought your course yesterday morning, and by last night I was 30% through. I have been struggling for MONTHS trying to find my path with starting an online-based business and I realized that I wanted to dust off my writing skills and resurrect my love to communicate with words. I have been hitting roadblock after roadblock (mostly because I am such a newb with technology and WordPress) and feeling completely lost at times as to how to launch a freelance writing business. Until I stumbled upon your course. IT’S SO COMPREHENSIVE. I was piecing together information but still had LOADS of missing puzzle pieces and could not figure out why it was so difficult to find a legitimate source of information to help me get started from the ground up. Your Writeto1k course (the 30% that I’ve gotten through) is already helping me tremendously in organizing my thoughts and actually formulating a sequence of events to get the ball rolling. So, YOU ROCK! You’re a great role model to show that a writer can diversify their work and actually develop a scalable business with forms of passive income, which is my ultimate goal once I gain experience and credibility as a writer. I no longer feel like I’m drowning in a whirlpool of self-doubt, confusion, and general over-whelm. Thank you for creating Writeotk1 and aspiring new writers like me!”
Danielle Bennicoff

The Pitching Bundle

Get access to my Pitch Archive. See the exact pitches that landed me clients, including my very first client (at $100 per post!). And be sure to steal my current pitch that has gotten me up to a whopping 75% closing rate!

The Pitching Handbook lays out the exact elements you need to make your pitch stand out, and use the Pro Pitching Checklist to ensure that every pitch you send out converts.

Level Up Your Freelance Writing Biz eBook
($29 if bought separately)

What happens after you land your first client, and then the next? How do you scale your business so that you aren’t hustling 24-hours a day, or spending all your time writing?

The Level Up Your Freelance Writing Biz eBook will help you navigate your freelance journey to help you double your rate, get powerful testimonials, dive in into branding your business, and improve your writing skills to boost your income.

Get on the Right Track Bundle

You’ll get the Budget Tracker Worksheets to help you get your side hustle or freelance business up and running on the right track.

You’ll also receive the SMART Goal tracker sheet, to create goals that will lay the groundwork for your future business.

You’ll also get the Be a Better Writer Guide and Wow Your Clients Toolkit. These resources will help you hone your writing skills for the online world, and teach you how to wow clients to retain them.

Plus more worksheets, templates, and guides!

Profitable Niche Workbook

My profitable niche workbook will help you figure out your right niche (psst…it’s okay if you have more than one niche! I encourage that you do!) and find out if your niche is profitable and in need. There are worksheets for you to use and figure out the best niche for you.

Book Clients in 30 Days Challenge

This challenge was offered to my students to help them use the skills they learned from this course, motivate them and get their business up and running on the right foot.

You have specific daily tasks that target client acquisition, networking opportunities and honing your pitching strategy so that you land a client in 30 days or less.

Personalized Pitch Review
($45 if bought separately)

Your pitch is the first impression a prospect gets from you.

I’ll personally go over your pitch, give suggestions on what can be improved to increase conversions – and I’ll even help you customize it for a particular niche if you’d like!

Private Facebook Group Community

This course has a private Facebook group full of freelance writers who you can lean on, and I’m in there multiple times a day too!

I run challenges and Facebook Live training sessions to help you hone your skills.

As well, I always let my students in the Facebook group know about any potential freelance writing jobs that come my way.

Take advantage of this step-by-step guide with action steps, a private Facebook group and enhanced resource materials today!

This is a self-paced online course.

Once you sign up and pay for your course, you’ll have access to all the modules and supplemental material. You can read all the lessons in a module in one day, or take as long as you need to go through each of them.

Each module is full of action-packed, easy-to-follow lessons.

By the end of the course, you’ll have a solid foundation, a new skill set and the tools and steps you need to earn your first $1k (and more) from freelance writing.
“I’ve got my first gig because of WriteTo1k! I will be writing a ‘before’ and ‘after’ feature for a British retailer magazine. And I will be working with Red Bull on this! Thanks so much Elna!”
Caren Gamble, CLG Writing
“With the clients I landed, I’ll exceed my monthly income by a good amount! Definitely did not expect that to happen so soon.”
Jennifer Locke, Jennifer Locke Writes

Enroll in Write Your Way to Your First $1k Today
No risk, no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee
7 modules (50+ lessons)
Video tech training
Pitch review ($45 value)
Email swipe copy
Level Up ($29 value)
Facebook support group
Book Clients challenge
Lifetime access
Payment Plan
$65 /mo for 3 months

Spread the cost over 3 easy monthly payments. Lifetime access.
One-Time Payment

Save over 15% with a single payment up front. Lifetime access.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a great writer to freelance write?
What’s your refund policy?
How long do I get access to the course materials?
How much can I realistically make as a freelance writer?
I live internationally. Is this course still applicable?

So, Who’s Teaching This Course?
Real advice. Real mom. Always a writer.

Hey future freelance writer! I’m Elna and I was just like you not too long ago.

Once I found my niche as a freelance writer for digitally native brands, within six months I replaced my full-time income by writing part-time. My writing has appeared on OptinMonster, Blogging Wizard, Huffington Post, Psych Central, and I ghostwrite for some big-name influencers. I’ve helped thousands of students find their voice, niche and strategy to prosper as a freelance writer.

And now, I want to help you wildly succeed!

What Others Are Saying…
“Elna’s course gave me the exact roadmap and courage I needed to take the leap into full-time freelance writing. My plan was to quit my day job in a little over a year, but with her course, I was able to turn in my notice 9 months earlier than I expected! I recommend her course to anyone who is serious about making money with freelance writing!”
Cheri Read, Course Participant
“I am SOOO happy that I decided to take Elna’s course. It was far more than what I expected! Many courses online these days promise you many things and then don’t deliver, only to leave you feeling like it was a waste of time. This course was so worth it. Elna goes in depth in each module and her writing style is very friendly. Now, I honestly feel like I can do this! I have gotten more accomplished in the last months than in the last 3 years.”
Ariel, Course Participant
“I plowed through Elna’s course in one week and hit the ground running. Now, after one week and three days, I landed my first big client that is going to pay me way more than anything I was getting working for content mills! Jump in and get your hands dirty, your life will change. I know mine did!”
Misty Coplen, Course Participant

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